Why Your Business Needs Professional Cleaning in Winter
Winter is both a beautiful and tricky time in Indianapolis. Sure, the snow and cold temperatures create a cozy backdrop, but the frigid winds and brown slush are not so pleasant. Not only that, but winter can also be disruptive to a business, bringing colds, flus, and mess that can directly effect your company image. At Circle City Cleaning Crew, we always recommend hiring a professional cleaning crew for your business; but in winter, it’s especially important. Read on to find out why.

Salt Ruins Floors and Reputation
Salt and snow melting chemicals gets tracked in on employees’ and customers’ shoes, eroding floor polish and carpeting. Not only does this lead to the need to replace your flooring earlier than anticipated, it also makes your surfaces look dirty and unprofessional. Having regular service from a professional cleaning company ensures that the floors in your office space are thoroughly mopped and shampooed, to protect your floors as well as your reputation.
Cleaning Maintains Health and Safety
During the winter months, germs and allergens circulate more heavily, causing more sickness and less productivity. Germs can remain on a surface up to 48 hours; thus, disinfecting surfaces, equipment, and common areas more frequently in winter keeps employees and visitors healthy, and keeps viruses and colds from spreading like wildfire through the office.
Cleaning Boosts Morale
The visual condition of any business sets the tone for the day, so an office space that looks and feels clean works wonders for maintaining a professional reputation and employee wellness during the workday. Our team will wash windows to brighten the room, remove trash to control germs and odors, detail coffee areas, sanitize the restroom facilities, and polish up a sloppy copy room.
Circle City Cleaning Crew cleans and sanitizes buildings and facilities in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. We stand behind our motto: “We’ll clean circles around you and get the corners too!” Request a free estimate online or contact us today at (317) 523-8820.