Commercial Cleaning Services

3 Areas Commonly Missed During Office Cleaning

Running a business comes with countless responsibilities. Not only must you provide a stable job for your employees, you must also provide them with a safe and healthy work environment. In order to do this, it is so important that you keep your office space clean at all times. Our team at Circle City Cleaning Crew always recommends enlisting the help of a professional cleaning company; however, if you plan to complete your own janitorial duties, here a few areas to be sure you don’t miss!

1. Refrigerator

Does your office include a kitchen area with a refrigerator? If so, it's probably not getting cleaned as often as it should be. Most employees are likely using the fridge at least once a day, so it won't take long for odors, spills, or other kinds of gunk to accumulate on the handles and shelves. Make sure you throw items away on a weekly basis and remove everything at least once a month to scrub the shelves.

2. In and Around Trashcans

Even if you keep your trashcan covered with a liner, germs will always find a way to spread. To keep your work area sanitary, make sure you clean out your garbage cans effectively. We recommended taking them outside and applying an antibacterial cleaner to the inside and outside of the cans. Also, while your trashcans are removed, take the time to clean the floor and walls around their regular home.

3. Inside the Furniture

Does your waiting area have chairs or couches? What about your staff break room? You're probably already in the habit of cleaning around your furniture, but do you take the cushions off and vacuum the insides? There is a very high likelihood of tiny particles building up between and underneath your cushions since this spot is not in plain sight. You may find food crumbs, coins, or other debris that needs to be removed regularly.

If you'd rather spend your valuable time running your business instead of cleaning up after your employees, contact Circle City Cleaning Crew in Indianapolis to learn about our variety of commercial cleaning and janitorial services. Request a free estimate by contacting our friendly office at (317) 523-8820.

Circle City Cleaning Crew

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